Real-time Monitoring: Ensuring AI Alignment with Human Goals

DADA X utilizes models that are designed to capture and model causal relationships to enhance reasoning and decision-making capabilities in AGI systems. The goal is transforming AI from a mysterious black box to a transparent and understandable system. But instead of processing raw data, DADA X analyzes the sequence and pattern of events happening within the system in real-time, making it a powerful and explainable solution for on-device applications. Using our platform, applications can be designed to reliably pursue human-aligned goals. This is especially crucial for AGI systems that attain higher levels of autonomy, as it’s imperative to ensure that these AI agents act beneficially towards humanity and do not inadvertently cause harm. Real-time monitoring of system behavior ensures that the AI’s actions remain aligned with human goals and allows for immediate adjustments to the AI’s behavior if it starts to deviate from its intended goals, providing a level of control and reliability that’s crucial for AI alignment.


Setting Higher Standards: The Role of Causal Programming Language

We use the Rapide ADL with causal operators. The use of a causal programming language in intelligent systems promotes better standards. By making the logic and reasoning behind decisions transparent and understandable, we can establish clearer guidelines for the design, development, and deployment of such systems. This approach not only enhances the reliability and trustworthiness of AI systems but also ensures their alignment with the principles of safety, fairness, and accountability.

From Audit-Time Security to Real-time Monitoring and Autonomous Remediation

We also leverage causality to tackle an immense problem: cybersecurity.  DADA X offers a proactive, preemptive approach to system security, preventing process violations before they occur, rather than reacting after the fact. This approach is inherently superior in terms of its real-time capabilities and focused monitoring of authorized event patterns. With DADA X we have achieved a major breakthrough: the move from Audit-Time security approaches to real-time, proactive monitoring and autonomous remediation.

Conventional computing and processing systems are inadequate to provide cyber security protection because they operate at Audit-Time, post-execution, deciding after the fact if an anomaly has occurred. Our platform radically departs from this practice, providing real-time monitoring and proactive security as events are passing into the system. This present-moment approach bolsters security, allowing for immediate observation, understanding, response, and control of complex event streams.


The Power of Real-time Monitoring with Root Cause Analysis

Decentralized autonomous security enhances resilience by using event patterns to monitor and mediate authorized process events. This prevents process violations from occurring, rather than responding after the fact. This approach monitors the message bus for the correct order of operations, detecting and remediating potential security breaches in real time, which is a significant improvement over traditional historical, database-driven approaches to security management. An essential aspect of DADA X’s real-time monitoring is root cause analysis, which detects potential security breaches and ensures the correctness of operations. This proactive approach provides security by default, with DADA X monitoring both system inputs and outputs to provide real-time, instantaneous threat response.


Addressing the Cyber Attribution Problem: An End-to-End Business Logic Monitoring Solution

The transformation from Audit-Time decision making to real-time monitoring and autonomous remediation is critical for managing increasing systemic management and security issues. Anomalous messages can instantly trigger remediation applications to prevent catastrophic breaches. This autonomous sense and response capability is critical for handling threats within milliseconds, providing a high accuracy of threat detection, and pinpointing the source of threats, thereby addressing the attribution problem in cybercrime. By monitoring business logic end-to-end and utilizing the DADA X chips on-device an entire network of events and devices can be secured and managed for an instantaneous response and remediation, ensuring the heightened security of critical infrastructures.

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